

Danielle Huyghe (BE) is a young and up-and-coming choreographer and dancer based in Rotterdam (NL).
Danielle graduated from the Art Academy, Contemporary Dance in Antwerp (BE) and from ArtEZ University of the Arts, Bachelor Dancer/Maker (NL). At the moment Danielle is doing her Masters in Theater at the Toneelacademie Maastricht, where she is researching the interaction of dance, film and technology. 


Danielle has worked for several choreographers during her education and professional experience such as: Oscar van Leest, Soren and Siebel, Bass Grossveldt, Liesbet Hermans, Posthuman Company, Helena Byström, Anna Källblad, Charlotte Guillain, Conni Trommilitz, Marieke Heerema, Iris Spanbroek, WYF Theatergezeldschap, Cinzia Scoglionero, Manuel Greathousen, Renee Spanjer, Ann Van den broek, Anton Lachky, Karoline Finn, Dario Torterelli, Willi Dorner, Filip van Huffel and way more.


In 2019, Danielle took part in the young makers trajectory 'One Night's Dance' at Dansateliers (NL). Together with Alexandra Verschuren she created the performance 'Out of the blue'.
The choreography was shown at several International Dance Festivals.

The performance won the 'Jury Prize for best choreography' at 25Masdanza (ES). 'Out of the blue' also became a finalist at Festival 10 Sentidos (ES), the 14th Copenhagen International Choreography Competition (DK) and the Rotterdam International Duet Choreography Competition (NL).
Furthermore the production has toured over 20 times, in The Netherlands, Poland, Italy, The Canarian Islands, Spain, Belgium, and more. 


That same year, Danielle started collaborating with Nathalie Vermeiren. Together they made the performance 'Detached Separation' and the film 'Ontkoppeling'.

'Detached Separation' was shown at various festivals in the Netherlands and Belgium. 'Ontkoppeling', got selected for several Film Festivals such as: TanzFilm Festival Berlin amongst others. The film got nominated as 'Best Dance Film' at the Dancin'Bo Film Festival (IT) and won 'The best performance award' at the FIVER Film Festival and 'The Jury Prize' for best Film at Lago Film Festival (IT).


In 2021, Danielle decided to pursue her interest in filmography. She made the performance 'Into The Blue', a performance in which dance and film are combined.
As part of the production she made the film 'L'Heure bleue' in co-production with Korrel Film (NL) and CC De Ververij (BE). The film was selected at the official selection of Cinedans Film Festival (NL), Ziel Dance and Film Festival (USA), Stockholm City Film Festival (SW), Coctelito de Videodanza (ES) and more.


On top of that 'L'Heure bleue' won the 'Best Work Award' at Imajitari International Film Festival (DK). The entire production 'Into The blue' was presented over 20 times, at various Theaters in the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain: such as at CC Hasselt (BE), Theater Kikker (NL), Schuur Haarlem (NL) Beta Publica Madrid (ES), Teatros Del Canal Madrid (ES), Opera Prima Festival rovigo (IT), Festival Lugar Presente, Viseu (PT), Kunsthal Rotterdam (NL), and more, and is still touring abroad.

Besides the creation of 'Into The Blue', Danielle got the opportunity to rework her performance to 'Into the night' for Moving Art at The Art School Contemporary dance in Antwerp. She reworked her performance with 9 dancers, the performance was shown at Festival Antigone in Brussels (BE) and at CC Corso Antwerp (BE).


Furthermore, Danielle made the performance ‘Club 27’, for Dansproject 2024 (BE), for this production she worked with 5 dancers, the performance will tour in 5 theaters in Belgium from february 2024 until May 2024.  


In addition to Danielle's great passion for choreography, filmography and composition, she works as freelance teacher for various institutions abroad: such as; Jeugdtheater Hofplein (NL), Vooropleiding dans ArtEZ (NL), Lemmens Instituut, Leuven (BE), Compania Nacional di danza Madrid (ES), Festival DanzAttack (ES), Bachelor's directing Toneelacademie Maastricht (NL), the Artschool contemporary dance Antwerp (BE), Studio Monad (NL) and way more.


Next season, 2024 Danielle will make new work for de! Kunsthumaniora Brussel. She will make a new evening fulling production co-produced with Korrelfilm named HACKED, and she will make a new short movie produced by PASERELLE VZW. 
On top that she will be touring A DELUDED STATE OF MIND by Liesbet Hermans, and she will be a performer in the newest work HUMAN SUITE by Marieke Heerema. 




Danielle Huyghe is een Belgische choreograaf gevestigd in Rotterdam (NL) en Antwerpen (BE). Ze volgde haar vooropleiding hedendaagse dans aan de! Kunsthumaniora (Antwerpen) en behaalde haar Bachelor Dans aan ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Arnhem, NL). Momenteel voltooit ze haar Master Theater aan de Toneelacademie Maastricht (NL). Sinds haar afstuderen werkte Danielle met gerenommeerde choreografen zoals Liesbet Hermans, Constantin Trommlitz en WYF MIME company.


Daarnaast creëerde ze eigen werk waaronder, Out of The Blue, Into The Blue, Club 27 en L`Heure bleue bleue en meer. Ze won reeds diverse prijzen, waaronder 'Best Choreography' op 25Masdanza en de 'Jury Prize' op Lago Film Festival (IT).
Haar werk werd internationaal gepresenteerd bij festivals en podia zoals Theater Rotterdam, EYE Filmmuseum (Amsterdam), Festival 10 Sentidos (ES), Opera Prima Festival (IT), en nog veel meer.


Naast haar choreografische praktijk is Danielle actief als gastdocent en coach bij onder andere de! Kunsthumaniora, ArtEZ Vooropleiding en de Toneelacademie Maastricht. In 2024-2025 ontwikkelt ze nieuwe projecten, waaronder de kortfilm SYNC, de avondvullende voorstelling HACKED, en de voorstelling FRAMED in samenwerking met Korrel Film en Passerelle VZW.


Danielle Huyghe is a multidisciplinary artist and choreographer based in Belgium and the Netherlands.
She creates performances combining dance, film, and visual art, addressing themes like human interaction with technology, personal identity, and mental health issues. 

Danielle Huyghe 

Some of her notable works include: 
"Into the Blue" – A dance-film performance exploring sleep disorders and their emotional impact, performed at several festivals and renowned theaters across Europe​ and "Hacked" – An upcoming project focused on humanity's merging with technology and the quest for individuality, blending dance,  film and AI​.

Huyghe collaborates with other artists, institutions, and organizations in Europe, her work is recognized for its innovative narrative styles and integration of various art forms​. 


Danielle Huyghe graduated in 2020 from ArtEZ University of the Arts in the Netherlands, specializing in choreography and performance. Huyghe has worked with numerous renowned choreographers and presented her own work across various international stages, including festivals in Spain, Belgium, Poland, and Italy. She continues to expand her artistic repertoire with choreographic and collaborative projects worldwide.



Danielle Huyghe is een Belgische danseres, choreograaf en filmmaker die bekend staat om haar werk dat hedendaagse dans combineert met multimedia. Ze creëert meeslepende voorstellingen die thema's verkennen zoals menselijke connectie, mentale gezondheid en de relatie tussen mens en technologie. Huyghe werkt samen met diverse culturele instellingen, waaronder Dansateliers in Nederland, Makershuis Alkmaar en culturele centra in Europa. Haar werken omvatten succes voorstellingen waaronder "Into the Blue", die meer als 30 keer te zien was op gerenommeerde internationale festivals en theaters, over heel Europa.